Good foundation

We have tried and tested the holistic approach and quality learning for our first Bright Kids alumni in the family, our eldest son Justin. Since migrating to New Zealand 4 years ago, we have been exploring for a preschool that will meet our high expectations. We wanted our second son, Jaden to have a very good foundation in reading, writing and comprehension as well as get a good and early start in numbers and counting. When we learned about the online classes from Brightkids, it became a no brainer for us and was the very first to sign up from overseas.
As busy parents ourselves, we are very happy with Brightkids’ innovative learning programs, passionate staff and unique approaches. Their early childhood expertise truly helps in the holistic development of every child preparing them to see the world better with confidence and grit. We are a true believer of starting our kids young and not doubting their limitless potential in learning and partnering with Brightkids made this not only achievable but a fun and enjoyable experience for us as well. We highly recommend Brightkids Preschool to any parent who wants the best early education for their kids.

Mom and daughter bonding

E-Learning is definitely a new concept for us all to get used to, and it can be particularly new and challenging for all of us. However, I am so thankful for all of my kid’s teachers! What started out as a potentially stressful time has resolved itself into a rewarding opportunity learning alongside my daughter. We’ve been enjoying our daily e-Learning activities and assignments that they’ve created for us, and I’ve been learning about new things as I go through the activities with my daughter as well. We are so happy to have found Bright kids preschool! Kudos! :) 

Peace of Mind

Chooisng a preschool can be tough especially you are on OFW parent. But we surely made the best decsion when we chose Bright Kids Preschool. I really admire how this school and teachers are able to bring out the best in every child. Seeing my kids getting better with their skills and knowledge each day even at this time of pandemic is indeed priceless. Our hearts are happy and fulfilled knowing that our kids will be prepared for the big world someday. Kudos Bright Kids!.

Organized Learning Materials

Commending the very organized system of 
online learning of Bright Kids Preschool!
It was worry-free for us parents and guardians.  From the start of our online class, all the needed materials, handouts and schedule of weekly activities are in order and already given to us ahead of schedule.
Happy mom, here! 

Enjoiyable New Normal Learning

Highly commendable preschool!
My daughter prepares for her classes daily.  She is excited to wear her uniform and wait for the teacher to let her in the Zoom classroom.  She loves learning with new normal way. Thank you so much for having this kind of system at home. We did not  have a hard time to look or worry for our school materials because you have already provided all our daily activities-all complete. Teachers are very dynamic, and patient to teach our toddlers. Not danying, my daugther is enjoying online classes. I am enjoying, too!

Creative Teachers

My daughter is always excited and looks forward to her classes everyday  Bright Kids teachers and staff really did a great job in all the set-ups and preparations.  they were fully equipped with creativity and compassion. Parents like me can really feel the effort they put to make the digital classes more effective for students. They even had a virtual tea party to make my daughter socialize even from a distance, all the way to Maldives. 

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