Signs that your child needs

Vision Correction

With children engaging in online learning, they are spending a greater amount of time in front of the screen,
hence, it is best to be aware if they are showing signs of eye problems so you can immediately bring them to an eye doctor.


Tilting the Head                 

Light Sensitivity            

Frequent Headaches

Finger pointing 
while reading

Losing place while

Sitting too close to
the screen


FB: Baluarte Rest and Relaxation
0923-7395653 look for Jera Mae

Nature Trip at Baluarte Rest and Relaxation

With classes being online, the whole family is spending longer screen time. Hence, it is good to take the children out for some greens and fresh air.  Baluarte Rest and Relaxation is a 5 hectare property,  located at Hacienda Baluarte, Alegria, Murcia, Negros Occidental. The owner, Cacar Lizares designed the place. Incidentally, she also helped in designing the interiors of our Villa Lucasan Branch. The school also supports the kids from their daycare with  books and other learning materials. 
During our short vacation, it was such a refreshing feeling to be surrounded with tall tress, cool air, the rustling sound of water and just pure relaxation. Swimming in their fresh water pool was absolutely delightful!
The place is open for day tour and overnight stay. Room rates range from 2500-3500php per night, not inclusive of breakfast.  It is best to reserve before visiting so that proper social distancing can be observed!
Great food is available at reasonable prices. We have enjoyed their all-day breakfast meals as well as their Chicken Binakol and Bistek Tagalog. They accept cash payment only.
At night, they also have a bonfire where couples and families can gather around and have meaningful conversation. 
The Badyangs that surround  the place definitely add that charm and is perfect for picture-taking! I


Choosing the right colors to improve learning

Colors are important. Dr. Robert Gerard said that every color has a specific wavelength and can affect our body and brain in a different way. Colors affects your brain functions such as pattern recognition, memory and ability to absorb new information. It can also visually guide you to locate, understand and recall information faster.  Here are the best colors to be used for effective learning. 


The color blue drives productivity. It has a calming effect on the heart rate and respiratory system.  Blue is recommended if you want the kids to think out-of-the box and increase their creativity. it is also best for intensely challenging learning situations that require high cognitive processing. Blue paper, blue ink or blue highlighting can help improve reading comprehension, too. 


The color green is good for focus and improving concentration. Since it is most restful for the eyes.  It induces calmness and a sense of relaxation.   Green provides a restorative sense of feeling, which may help boost mental capacity in students. When kids are  tired and bored of their reading materials, looking at a green forest scene during a break can also help  make them feel revitalized. 

Yellow and Red

Yellow is a cheerful color. It improves happiness and induces curiosity. This color is good in promoting communication and increasing self-confidence. 
Red stimulates brain activity. It is powerful and attention-grabbing. Red is best for detail-oriented tasks, like proof-reading.  Did you know that using the red color is proven to improve memory recall as much as 31%.   

The Importance of Routine

for Children

All families especially at this time of pandemic need some type of routine to establish a sense of normalcy.  Routine is described as a way to get things done. Giving a child a schedule from waking up until before sleeping builds a sense of security in kids.

A consistent routine wil help your child and their body clock with many day-to-day basics. Putting in opprtunities for daily parental bonding also creates special quality time moments with your child. 

Here are the reasons why creating a routine is important for your child:

According to Dr. Peter Gorsksi of Harvard Medical School, knowing what to expect from daily life can foster greater independence. By relying on past experiences, children are able to put into practice skills learned. 

Having a routine imposes reasonable limits to a child.  It helps them understand the balance between enjoying tasks such as play, and functional tasks such as studying. 

When you give a child a predictable daily routine, it reminds them that they are in a secure and loving environment. If your child knows what will happen each day, they don't need to worry about "what if" scenarios.

When a child routinely performs the same activities, it can lead to an organized way to get things done. It teaches responsibility and healthy habits that they can carry with them until they grow up!

Setting expectations decreases power struggles. Children complete activities without issue, reducing nagging and anger outbursts.

Time is the most precious asset because once it is lost, you can never retrieve it. By following a routine, we can free up time that would otherwise be spent on planning, preparing and making decisions.  

Designing Your Online Learning Environment

Now that homes are being transformed into classrooms, organizing a child's learning enviroment is essential for successful daily learning. Here are some tips on how you can design your learning space effectively.

Adequate Lighting

Ensure adequate lighting but do not face the windows to avoid the glare of the sun.

Quiet Space

Choose a quiet space far away from noises at home.       

Minimize distraction

Avoid clutter.
Do not mix toys in the study area. 



Maintain an ideal
temperature of 25 degrees.  

Kid-size table and chair 

Ensure proper posture.  Feet flat on the floor. 

Complete materials

Learning materials should be accessible and complete.